
pengen jd ala-ala anak indie, tp krn lg difase ga kuat minum kopi dan gasuka keluar saat senja a.k.a. makhluk goa, jadinya makan ropang aja :D hanya sebuah karya hasil kegabutan terinspirasi dari ngarep jdi mbk Taylor yg punya bakat genius jd song-writer tp kalau ini jatuhnya curhat XD
tidak usah diambil pusying, krn saya sendiri tidak memahami apa ini, moga bisa dinikmati semua kalangan! pgn sesekali buat sebuah hal tp memang dianggap ini murni karya #yaelah. Moga aku gk balak nulis ginian, kalau ter-delete brti aku merasa lg balak.


Love your self-centered jokes
Kinda riddle to be solved
But actually it seems like an oath
If only there is no war in my own world

Bet you never think about us but I do
Kinda unhealthy how you rebel my concious thoughts
Hope your faded blue jeans touch the backroads
When you're making a fire for two-sided toast

I jumped like a rabbit out of the hole
After the gap was only hands, unwashed attendace book, and you
December wind as cold as my inexpressive loud
Only hard floor heard how I was trying ain't out of control

Hope your dark grey hoodie cured
When you crack us for being a silent traitor
It's only a profile picture
But you took it when we sat on teakwood

You chose the white chair in front of anyone
They screamed your name but your stubborn head didn't turn around
'till I just replayed what girl next to me called
Unexpectedly you gave your cheshire cat eyes

We used to play the odd old game
Didn't rush into things but you made the pulse never be the same
Not because of the color but I was captivated by how we made the untold rules
Sorry for missing the line because I was afraid of sin in the name of being honest

Maybe I was too child dreaming that's a fairytale
Because I got lost when we walked in fragile different side
The whole book wasn't read but too soon you left
As my happiness are echoing your name, just be a better man

enjoy the toast! :D

8 Desember 2021
