Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Hai sobat! Kali ini aku mau berbagi salah satu tugas SMAku saat aku berada di kelas X. Bagi kalian yang membutuhkan referensi atau inspirasi untuk menulis cerita ber-bahasa inggris, mungkin tugas ku ini bisa membantu kalian. Oiya sobat aku tidak menjamin seratus persen cerita ini benar dalam penggunaan grammar, vocabulary, dan laiinya. Selamat belajar dan membaca sobat!
Judulnya Who Am I ya sobat! Mungkin ceritanya sedikit nanggung karena aku mengerjakannya sesuai dengan jumlah kata yang diminta jadi tidak ada akhir dan awal cerita yang cukup jelas alias penuh teka-teki.
Semoga bermanfaat!
Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
Penulis: Ibrila Asfarina Ahmadah
Hai sobat! Kali ini aku mau berbagi salah satu tugas SMAku saat aku berada di kelas X. Bagi kalian yang membutuhkan referensi atau inspirasi untuk menulis cerita ber-bahasa inggris, mungkin tugas ku ini bisa membantu kalian. Oiya sobat aku tidak menjamin seratus persen cerita ini benar dalam penggunaan grammar, vocabulary, dan laiinya. Selamat belajar dan membaca sobat!
contoh cerpen bahasa inggris.
contoh narrative text bahasa inggris. Tugas bahasa inggris SMA kelas 12. Tugas bahasa
inggris SMA kelas 11.Tugas bahasa inggris SMA kelas 10. Tugas bahasa inggris
SMP kelas 9. Tugas bahasa inggris SMP kelas 8.Tugas bahasa inggris SMP kelas 7.
Tugas bahasa inggris SD kelas 6.Tugas bahasa inggris SD kelas 5.Tugas bahasa
inggris SD kelas 4.Tugas bahasa inggris SD kelas 3.Tugas bahasa inggris SD
kelas 2.Tugas bahasa inggris SD kelas 1. Tugas membuat narrative text bahasa
inggris. Tugas membuat cerpen bahasa inggris. Kumpulan cerpen bahasa inggris.
Kumpulan narrative text bahasa inggris. Kumpulan sastra bahasa inggris.
analisis unsur intrinsik narrative text.analisis unsur intrinsik cerpen.
Inspirasi menulis. Inspirasi menulis cerpen.Inspirasi menulis narrative
text. Motivasi menulis cerpen. Motivasi menulis narrative text. Belajar bahasa
inggris. Belajar menulis narrative text. Belajar menulis cerpen. Blog menulis narrative
text. Blog menulis cerpen.
contoh cerpen bahasa inggris.
contoh narrative text bahasa inggris. Tugas bahasa inggris SMA kelas 12. Tugas bahasa
inggris SMA kelas 11.Tugas bahasa inggris SMA kelas 10. Tugas bahasa inggris
SMP kelas 9. Tugas bahasa inggris SMP kelas 8.Tugas bahasa inggris SMP kelas 7.
Tugas bahasa inggris SD kelas 6.Tugas bahasa inggris SD kelas 5.Tugas bahasa
inggris SD kelas 4.Tugas bahasa inggris SD kelas 3.Tugas bahasa inggris SD
kelas 2.Tugas bahasa inggris SD kelas 1. Tugas membuat narrative text bahasa
inggris. Tugas membuat cerpen bahasa inggris. Kumpulan cerpen bahasa inggris.
Kumpulan narrative text bahasa inggris. Kumpulan sastra bahasa inggris.
analisis unsur intrinsik narrative text.analisis unsur intrinsik cerpen.
Inspirasi menulis. Inspirasi menulis cerpen.Inspirasi menulis narrative
text. Motivasi menulis cerpen. Motivasi menulis narrative text. Belajar bahasa
inggris. Belajar menulis narrative text. Belajar menulis cerpen. Blog menulis narrative
text. Blog menulis cerpen.
Judulnya Who Am I ya sobat! Mungkin ceritanya sedikit nanggung karena aku mengerjakannya sesuai dengan jumlah kata yang diminta jadi tidak ada akhir dan awal cerita yang cukup jelas alias penuh teka-teki.
A Story by Ibrila Asfarina Ahmadah
“It takes bravery to recognize who you are, It needs courage to do something about it.”
I ran fast going to the
sea and left the house of
thousand doors that I had lived since I was born. I had never left that the old house
until this day when suddenly tens of soldiers shot my house with hundreds of
projectiles. I didn’t know the reason why they attacked me. I even didn’t
know the condition of my grandpa. Since dawn, I only stayed at my bedroom as a
protest because grandpa never allowed me to go outside seeing the world that I
only saw in books. Sea was
only a place that I had to believe as the most peaceful place besides my house.
That was my grandpa always said to me before I slept. It seemed that grandpa
had predicted
would happen
“Oucchh...” that sound of screaming
directly stopped my steps. I knew that it was grandpa’s sound. I tried not to turn back. I
always remembered my grandpa’s words that my salvation was everything. If I
died, grandpa would definitely die. Actually, I was still confused
about what my grandpa said.
He suddenly said that words when he accompanied me reading a story.
“Bang...” I thought a projectile concerning
me. I tried to get up but suddenly everything became dark.
I opened my eyes. I didn’t know where I
was now. I saw the condition around me. This
place was resemble with a place in the book. I tried to remember it.
“A prison!” shouted me happily.
That feeling of happiness immediately changed into the feeling of shock when I
realized what the
prison was.
I ran approaching the door of the prison
that the distance was only 5 meters from my sitting place directly when there was
walking outside.
“What is my fault?!” I screamed. A tall
man with a big body looked at
me. His face form that was fierce instantly changed into frightened when he saw
me. Without saying anything, he ran to leave me.
I was really confused with this reality
when suddenly I realized that there were
tears on my sleeve. I always remembered my
grandpa’s words that calamity would happen to me if I showed my born mark which
had a
pictorial rose in
my arm.
“Does he see it or
not?” I said.
Suddenly a woman who looked like a witch
in the books opened the door and saw me. She looked anxious and immediately
asked two men
who stood near her to put me into a box.
“Release me, I would like to meet my
I was out of control when they lifted up me.
“This box will bring you back. Believe
me Isabella.” The woman said gently. I didn’t have an opportunity to say
anything because the man
had succeded
to put me into the box. As I was in the box, suddenly my body was covered by
fumes. I got headache, I tried to go outside and shouted until everything
became dark.
I still got headache when I got up. I
tried to open the box, and
when I did it,
I realized
that I was in front of my broken house now. I didn’t care with anything that had happened to me.
The most important thing was my grandpa salvation. I immediately ran when I saw
someone was being pinned under a big rock. When I was being closer, I realized that he was
my grandpa.
“Grandpa!” I Screamed. I did the best to take away the big rock.
Grandpa’s body was so limp before I could take him to a secure place.
“Bang....” suddenly something was
fallen from grandpa’s pocket. Apparently, it was a picture’s frame.
“It seems that it is an empire family
painting.” I tried to see one by one an empire family member picture. There was
a king and a queen that looked happily in their castle.
“Then, why does grandpa keep this
picture?” I Said. I tried to look at this picture one more. How shocked I was when I realized
that there was a pictorical rose
that looked like
my born mark in her arm. I looked at the picture again, but then I
realized that there was
needlework in queen’s dress. “Isabella” was inscribed. The same name as the witch
said before.
My hands were trembleing. The pain of
headache became more painful. I felt the air around me became warm. I even
couldn’t stand. Suddenly some memories came into my mind one by one. It was
like old memories that I had forgotten.
“Who am I?.”
Semoga bermanfaat!
Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
Penulis: Ibrila Asfarina Ahmadah
contoh cerita
pendek bahasa inggris. contoh narrative text bahasa inggris. Tugas bahasa
inggris SMA kelas 12. Tugas bahasa inggris SMA kelas 11.Tugas bahasa inggris
SMA kelas 10. Tugas bahasa inggris SMP kelas 9. Tugas bahasa inggris SMP kelas
8.Tugas bahasa inggris SMP kelas 7. Tugas bahasa inggris SD kelas 6.Tugas bahasa
inggris SD kelas 5.Tugas bahasa inggris SD kelas 4.Tugas bahasa inggris SD
kelas 3.Tugas bahasa inggris SD kelas 2.Tugas bahasa inggris SD kelas 1. Tugas
membuat narrative text bahasa inggris. Tugas membuat cerita pendek bahasa
inggris. Kumpulan cerita pendek bahasa inggris. Kumpulan narrative text bahasa
inggris. Kumpulan sastra bahasa inggris. analisis unsur intrinsik narrative
text.analisis unsur intrinsik cerita pendek. Inspirasi menulis. Inspirasi
menulis cerita pendek.Inspirasi menulis narrative text. Motivasi menulis cerita
pendek. Motivasi menulis narrative text. Belajar bahasa inggris. Belajar
menulis narrative text. Belajar menulis cerita pendek. Blog menulis narrative
text. Blog menulis cerita pendek.
contoh cerita
pendek bahasa inggris. contoh narrative text bahasa inggris. Tugas bahasa
inggris SMA kelas 12. Tugas bahasa inggris SMA kelas 11.Tugas bahasa inggris
SMA kelas 10. Tugas bahasa inggris SMP kelas 9. Tugas bahasa inggris SMP kelas
8.Tugas bahasa inggris SMP kelas 7. Tugas bahasa inggris SD kelas 6.Tugas bahasa
inggris SD kelas 5.Tugas bahasa inggris SD kelas 4.Tugas bahasa inggris SD
kelas 3.Tugas bahasa inggris SD kelas 2.Tugas bahasa inggris SD kelas 1. Tugas
membuat narrative text bahasa inggris. Tugas membuat cerita pendek bahasa
inggris. Kumpulan cerita pendek bahasa inggris. Kumpulan narrative text bahasa
inggris. Kumpulan sastra bahasa inggris. analisis unsur intrinsik narrative
text.analisis unsur intrinsik cerita pendek. Inspirasi menulis. Inspirasi
menulis cerita pendek.Inspirasi menulis narrative text. Motivasi menulis cerita
pendek. Motivasi menulis narrative text. Belajar bahasa inggris. Belajar
menulis narrative text. Belajar menulis cerita pendek. Blog menulis narrative
text. Blog menulis cerita pendek.
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