Contoh Esai Bahasa Inggris dan Penulisan Sumber - Death Penalty

Ini adalah salah satu tugas pelajaran sastra inggris yang menurut saya cukup berkesan saat duduk dibangku SMA kelas XI. Saya jadi sedikit paham dan terlatih tentang cara pembuatan esai yang baik dan cara penulisan sumber penulisan esai yang benar. Saya tidak menjamin bahwa tulisan ini 100 persen sudah sempurna dan benar baik dari cara penulisan esai maupun penggunaan bahasa inggris. Tapi saya berharap ini bisa menjadi salah satu sumber inspirasi atau contoh penulisan esai yang baik dan benar untuk tugas adik-adik semua.

Capital punishment, also called “death penalty”, has still been exercised by fifty-eight countries and it remains highly controversial (idebate, 2011). It’s an execution of an offender sentenced to death after conviction by a court of law of a criminal offense (Hood, 2014 as cited in britannica, 2014). Although we are all agree that the criminals are deserving to be punished, but not all are disagree to put them on execution. This paper aims to argue for the suitability of capital punishment. There are two strong reasons I will put forward in support of abolishing such punishment. I will also cite and refute 2 objections mostly used by death penalty supporter to legalize the death sentence. I will end this paper by emphasising the real need to ban the death penalty.
Regardless of the country, a fair criminal justice system does not mean an infallible one – errors can and do occur (Hayworth, 2013 as cited in newscomau, 2013). Let us consider such as the imperfect juries that their verdict might be errors. It might occur in a small part but we know that no life can be executed by judgement mistakes. The wrong execute can make the purpose of helding the court is futile. The second argument I would like to put forward is that a death sentence costs at least 18 times as much as a sentence of life without parole would cost (Death Penalty, 2016). Let us consider about the better uses of the huge costs. The money could be used for victim families member to put their live back through counseling, restitution, and other services addressing their needs.
Those who are argue for this death sentence commonly highlight these two arguments to undermine the abolishing of death penalty. First objection is that there are crimes that are more visceral, but there are none that are more deadly. Such a heinous crime can only be punished, in a just and fair manner, with the death penalty. (Andersen, 1983). However we should put some prespective on this. The fact that the death sentence is near with discrimination. It institutionalizes discrimination against the poor and people of color and diverts attention that would actually increase risk the execution of innocent people, and does not deter crime. Second objection is that the death penalty can also help provide closure for the victim’s family and friends, who will no longer have to fear the return of this criminal into society (idebate, 2011). However, the criminal’s family can threaten the victim’s family to take their claim or even revenge the death of their family. The fact that a sentence of life in prison is swift and certain, allowing families to know that justice is being served.
To sum up, death penalty isn’t suitable to punish criminals. If we know it closer, it shows that the judgement is costly and a false vengeance. It’s really needed to ban the death penalty in criminal justice over the world.

Andersen, K. (1983). The Death Penalty an Eye for an Eye. Time, [online]. Available at:,9171,950821-8,00.html# (Acceessed: 30th of April 2017)
Death Penalty Focus (2017). 5 Myths about the Death Penalty. Available at:  (Accessed: 30th of April 2017)
Haywort, M. (2013). Amnesty International Calls for End to The Death Penalty. Available at: (Accessed: 30th of April 2017)
Hood, R. (2014). Capital Punishment. Available at: (Accessed: 24th of April 2017).
Idebate (2011).This House Supports the Death Penalty. Available at: (Accessed: 24th of April 2017),

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